Profumo di Casa | Scent of Home
Profumo di Casa stems from a reflection on why I can no longer perceive the scent of home. The answer is not trivially attributable to habit, but results in a metaphorical search for my connection to home and family. My exploration involved three families, each with at least one foreign member, in search of scents that are unusual to me. The images act as a conduit to convey everyday stories, emanating the enveloping scent of family life. My shots do not seek compositional perfection; rather, they are meant to remind us of those typical family pictures we have all seen and experienced. Profumo di Casa tells the common story of families whose members take care of each other, exploring the diversity of visions of home, but highlighting their shared bond. My own life experience thus manages to vibrate at the same frequency as the families' experience, creating a connection between me and them, enriching our contact. I searched for the smell of affection in the photographs and in the families I visited, capturing the uniqueness of each aroma and the way each cosy home cares for its loved ones. The aim was to trace and convey this enthralling scent through photography, revealing the warm feeling of affection experienced during the shoot with the different families - to bring back the smell of home. The result is an editorial product that combines photos and writings of each family, creating a frame that surrounds the warming scents of each household. This physical space for memories, relationships and identities accentuates nostalgia, empathy and universality.